Tuesday 9 September 2014

Aeroball and sensory trail with group 1

Group 1 have been playing aeroball (a trampoline attached to basketball nets) and venturing through the sensory trail today.

Matthew and Luke won aeroball and the children all got soaked during the sensory trail!

I think us teachers feel a little evil after pouring buckets of muddy,smelly water over the children. I'm sure they will find a way to get their on back on us this week/year!


  1. How wet & muddy did those nasty teachers get you Henry? ( hope it was really smelly)
    Remember the end of year water fight!!,
    Mum said you're washing the clothes!

  2. Glad luke wore the clothes we specially packed for the trail haha!!

  3. Ben I love those cool new shades. Dad & Mum
